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It takes a village to make this group work.

Volunteer Information

South JT Grows is an umbrella, all-volunteer community organization. We are here to support neighbourhood needs and improve the community within our boundaries through active participation in neighbourhood projects. 


We welcome everyone regardless of age, race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical ability and invite any person who lives, works, or plays in our neighbourhood to help create a vibrant, welcoming, healthy and inclusive community.


As a community volunteer organization, volunteers need to be:

  • a self-starter

  • work independently

  • work well with others 

  • resourceful 

  • proactive

  • good communication skills

  • think creatively

  • patience and tenacity: this is very crucial to keep in mind. As an all-volunteer organization, not everything moves as quickly as you would like and more often than not, things will not fall into place as easily as you expect. But if you are serious about helping shape our community, patience and tenacity are vital. 

It always seems impossible until it is done.

– Nelson Mandela

If this group interests you, fill out our volunteer form.


Our Values

What do we mean by Growing Responsibly, Organically, and Well...


Within our Community 

  • Our greatest desire is to see our community grow and thrive! 

  • We advocate for responsible urban planning and design that will meet the needs of our current and future community members 

  • We welcome new additions to the community -- we are their welcoming committee. Everything we do holds the needs of our current membership in balance with the needs of future residents

Within our Organization

  • We invite all interested parties to join South JT GROWs to help create a place where everyone feels a sense of belonging 

  • We welcome diverse voices and perspectives, especially those voices who have been traditionally under-represented in popular discourse 



Within our Community

  • Holding developers, city officials, and ourselves responsible for the needs of our present and future community

  • We commit to being informative and transparent


Within our Organization

  • We acknowledge that we are all responsible for our words and actions and are accountable for how they impact others 

  • We try to recognize our own biases and attempt to separate them when listening to others

  • We try to recognize good intentions first and ask non-argumentative questions for understanding and clarification 


Within our Community

  • We  work organically: working together harmoniously as necessary parts of a whole

  • We will adapt, change, and be flexible to respond to the needs of the community


Within our Organization

  • We will not tolerate hate speech. Individuals sharing ideologies or language that undermines threatens or devalues the humanity of any other member of the group will be asked to leave. If you are interested in having a conversation as to why you have been asked to leave, you may email our executive team and we may be able to have a conversation with you

  • We assume that everyone knows and shares their own truth and we will treat all as experts in their own experience

  • Humility is important to building trust and facilitates learning

  • In order to work harmoniously, we will communicate using respectful dialogue

  • We are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and welcoming space where all can feel a sense of belonging.



Within our Community

  • Holding developers, the city, and ourselves responsible for the needs of our present and future community

  • We commit to being informative and transparent


Within our Organization

  • We believe in matters of justice, peace, and human dignity

  • We acknowledge that we are all responsible for our words and actions and are accountable for how they impact others 

  • Supportive and forgiving 

  • Bipartisan 

  • Fun

© 2021 by Inesse Communications and South Junction Triangle Grows

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