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It takes a village to make this group work.
Are we missing or misrepresenting something, let us know!
It takes a village to make this group work.
Are we missing or misrepresenting something, let us know!
It takes a village to make this group work.
Growing Responsibly, Organically, and Well
See the city's "Bloor Street Study: Perth Avenue to St. Helens Avenue Community Consultation Meeting" presentation, from April 2021, here.
A guide to the development process, click here for a .pdf file you can print out for
your referance.
72 Perth Avenue
The revised application proposes a 10-storey residential building (9-storeys + mezzanine) with 9,556 sqm of residential GFA. The unit count has increased from 97 to 104 units, of which 2 are proposed to be live/work. The application proposes 47 vehicular parking spaces and 127 bicycle parking spaces. The application also proposes a 156 sqm parkland dedication along the western property line to supplement the existing West Toronto Rail Path.
1405 Bloor Street West (Brad Lamb)
The site is proposed to be redeveloped with a mixed-use, predominately residential development having a height of 18 storeys along Bloor Street West then stepping down to 12 and 4 storeys to the south. Below grade parking is proposed under the 12 and 8 storey building component accessed by two car elevators facing Ruttan Street. 326 residential dwelling units and 237 m2 of grade related retail gross floor area is proposed.
221 Sterling Road
Under review
1423–1437 Bloor Street West
& 278 Sterling Road
Proposal for an 18-storey, inclusive of a 6-storey podium, mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 401.0 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 14460.4 square metres. A total of 204 residential dwelling units are proposed, of which, 15 will be rental units.
1439 Bloor Street West, 80-82 Perth Avenue
Under review
Proposal for site plan approval for the lands at 1439 Bloor St W and 80 Perth Ave for 14 storey mixed use building with retail at grade - 2 stories below grade parking - 131 parking spaces.
150 Sterling Road
To construct a six-storey mixed use building on block 3A and an eight-storey mixed-use building on block 5A. The buildings will be connected by an underground parking garage to be located underneath a Privately Owned Publicly Accessible Space (POPS) on block 3D. A new private road will also be constructed.